“Mas abajo podrás leer la notificación que este servidor recibe por el internet para la renovación anual de la licencia federal para la pesca de Tunas, Tiburones y Peces de Pico. La renovación, por internet y con una tarjeta de crédito es muy fácil.
Espero que le es útil.”
– Hector Bravo
“The purpose of this e-mail is to notify you of the procedures for renewing your Atlantic Tunas or Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Permit. These permits allow you to fish for and/or retain Atlantic Bluefin, Yellowfin, Skipjack, Albacore, and Bigeye tunas or in the case of HMS Angling or Charter/Headboat Permits, to fish for, take, retain, or possess any regulated Atlantic HMS (Atlantic tunas, sharks, swordfish, or billfish). Our records indicate that you are holding an Atlantic tunas permit or an Atlantic HMS permit for the 2003 fishing year, which ends May 31, 2004. Please see the top of this email for your permit number.
Please see the attached 2004 permit renewal letter for further details on the process for renewing your permit for the upcoming season. This letter is in Microsoft Word. If you have difficulties in viewing the attachment please visit www.nmfspermits.com for further instructions.
The Atlantic tunas and HMS permitting system will soon be ready. It will start issuing permits for the 2004 season starting in late April/early May. Please wait to renew your permit until the website indicates that new permits are available.
If you have questions regarding the permit process, our Customer Service representatives are available at (888) 872-8862, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
If you have any questions please call 888-872-8862 or visit www.nmfspermits.com
El Cangrejos Yacht Club (CYC) se fundó en la Asamblea Constituyente celebrada en el Templo del Maestro el 10 de marzo de 1952.